Vauto suggestion
Being a VERY new user (have only had one training session) I may just not be using the tool correctly but here are my observations
You need another field under the Needs Attention box on the home page
Apparantly the vehicles off target may also be listed under # pending price. This duplication creates extra work.
The field could be labeled “off target/not pending price” and it would list the number of vehicles that are off target that do not have a pending price change.
I am mostly interested in the vehicles that are “off target” that I’m not waiting on a price change to take effect.
I keep going back and re-looking at cars that are actually ON target, they just haven’t made it to the web yet.
Also, I hope I can apply a different pricing matrix to Wholesale pricing (once it’s fixed, currently everything pulls to retail) as I do not want to show all my wholesales “off target” which they will be if I have to use the same default matrix for wholesale and retail
Joe Kirby