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A View of the Rising Cost of Trade-in Appraisal “Bumps”

July 26, 2024

As I work with dealers, I’m seeing the return of a practice that largely went away in the past few years as dealers were hungry for new vehicle inve…

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Three Reasons Automated Used Vehicle Pricing is a Bad Idea

May 25, 2024

I’ve run into a consistent theme in recent conversations with dealers: What do you make of systems that automatically price used vehicles? The qu…

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Are Your Used Vehicle Prices Right for the Current Market?

May 3, 2024

With April in the books, I thought I’d take a moment to highlight a feature of the current used vehicle market that, judging from recent conversatio…

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Rethinking the “Right”-ness of Your Used Vehicle Inventory

April 9, 2024

Over the past several weeks, it’s become clear to me that many dealers need to think more deeply about the composition of their used vehicle invento…

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A Quick Clarifier on How To Think About “Bronze” Vehicles

March 15, 2024

I appreciated a dealership GM’s comment the other day that he views Bronze vehicles as the equivalent of vanilla ice cream. That is, like vanilla ic…

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A Tale of Troubled Used Vehicle Department Performance and a Fix

March 11, 2024

I received the following note from a dealership manager that I thought I’d share: I have a GM and a used car manager who are stuck in 1980 or…

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A Little “Say You, Say Me” in Used Vehicles

March 1, 2024

A couple days ago I was riding in a car on my way to a dealer meeting when Lionel Richie’s song, "Say You, Say Me," came on the radio. The tune brou…

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An Emerging Opportunity for Used EVs?

February 9, 2024

This week, Cox Automotive analysts shared news that may surprise some dealers: Retail sales of used EVs rose sharply in January, an uptick that could…

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ProfitTime GPS and Global Search: A ‘Guardian Angel’ as You Acquire Inventory

February 7, 2024

While many dealers have been working hard to diversify how they source used vehicle inventory and rely less on auctions, the role of auctions as an in…

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NADA Day 3: A Focus on Operational Consistency, Compliance and Customer Acquisition

February 4, 2024

You could see the evidence of last year’s busy pace of the dealership consolidation on the show floor at NADA. A fair share of my dealer conversatio…

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