Hireology CEO Talks Dealership People, Processes and Recruiting
The common denominator for high performance are the people in your organization. This simple statement comes as a surprise to no one. In spite of this wide-spread recognition, few dealerships give sufficient attention to the process of recruiting, interviewing and screening perspective employees. Just like everything else, there are proven best practices. The link below will take you to an interview with Adam Robinson, the CEO of Hireology. I’ve come to know Adam, his organization and his solution, and I believe that they have developed a sound approach to hiring the right people.
One note of caution, however. Don’t think that the approach that Adam outlines doesn’t take time and effort, and ultimately disciplined procedures. As Adam often says, you will spend the time dealing with employment issues, the only choice is whether you will make the effort and spend the time properly recruiting, interviewing and screening, or whether you will do it on the backside managing poor performers, termination and the unpleasant consequences associated therewith. It’s your choice. Watch the interview and let me know what you think.