Remembering Russ

June 29, 2012

Today marks the one year anniversary of my friend, Russ Wallace’s tragic death. This morning while discussing with my wife the anniversary of Russ’ death, she asked me how things have gone at the Marsh Group since Russ’ passing. My response was that things are really great, Tedd Pless, Russ’ replacement stepped into the job and in short order, had it running at peak performance. Upon hearing that Nancy made the comment that maybe the lesson is that none of us are un-replaceable. I said that I saw it from another perspective. I was reminded of how many times Russ told me that he was building a process that would allow anyone to step in and take over. Looking back on that statement, it’s as if Russ was speaking prophetically. Although, Tedd Pless is enormously talented and dedicated, perhaps on this first anniversary Russ gives us all yet another lesson of used car management. Specifically, that lesson is that it is the strategy and the process that are truly the hallmarks of good business operations.

Russ, I miss you, I love you and your legend lives on